Thursday, February 23, 2012

During #BlackHistory Month | #NYFW | #SMWNY - Black Dress 2012 looked at Steven Burrows

IImage- screen shot of website from  Fashion Designer and Label, Steven Burrows- “the first African American fashion designer to achieve international acclaim”. and the master of the  "lettuce edge"



Raison D’Etre

Black  History Month, New York Fashion Week , Valentine’s day  and Social Media Week New York  - all collided the week  of  February 12-17th 2012 , so for Black Dress 2012 - I chose to look at Black  Fashion Designers and their web presence, rather that  read the post mortem on the “lack’ of  a Black presence… they usually  simply count models anyway. somewhere alomg the line  i decided to share some of it ... 


Designers can click to This  LINK to submit or enter info ...

If You want to follw Black Dress and get info and links register andd login at!

I am creating a list of designers under various key  maketing Labels... Black dress looks at Designers of African heritage as well as those wth an "African" Aesthetic and even  those who do "Black Dress" as in Formal Wear


Please check BD2012.BKFFF.COM  for dedicated pages, as it 

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