Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 28th 2012 Black is Beautifull turns 50 attend The Call to Action In NY or Online!


No celebration is planned but  we do have a call to action and expect  Kwame Braithewaite and we're hoping  one of teh original  Grandassa models will attend! Few I mentioned this to were aware... so what has happened to Black  Pride and our knowledge of our history! If you were born After the mid 1960's, You've always known Black  is Beatiful! The phrase that defines the 1960's  Movement that can be traced to the Grandassa models and naturally  '62! 


"Black is Beautiful' was the theme for the original Grandassa models of the “Naturally ’62: The Original African Coiffure and Fashion Extravaganza Designed to Restore Our Racial Pride and Standards ”.
I first interviewed Kwame Braithewaite one of the  founders for a Kwanzaa event in 2006. It is only recently in speaking to Kwame that I  realized what it meant! many Blacks, most of whom have used that term are unaware of it’s significance or the group of NY Artist who started a war cry that changed the world! The original "Black is Beautiful" Movement was a direct result of the BLACK CREATIVE COMMUNITY coming together to create change! I spoke to Kwame Braithewaite a few days ago and he stressed
 “... we had no money... we used what we had "OUR RESOURCES"”  
They are trying to pull the documentation together so our history is preserved...
It's Too late to Plan a celebration... But we can issue a call to action!
As part of Black Dress 2012 ( My return to listing designers using teh technology) … I am calling all Fashion & Beauty Professionals,  Organizations, talent and service professionals who identify as “Black” to register discuss, celebrate  and honor the’ Black IS BEAUTIFUlL“  50th Anniversary!


Wikipedia cites 

Black is beautiful is a cultural movement that began in the United States of America in the 1960s by African Americans. It later spread to much of the black world, most prominently in the writings of the Black Consciousness Movement of Steve Biko in South Africa. It aims to dispel the notion in many world cultures thatblack people's natural features such as skin color, facial features and hair are inherently ugly.[1] John Sweat Rock was long thought to be the first to coin the phrase "black is beautiful"–during a speech in 1858–but historical records indicate he never actually used the specific phrase on that day.[2] The movement also encouraged men and women to stop trying to eliminate African-identified traits by straightening their hair and attempting to lighten or bleach their skin.[3]

This weeks curation at  looks at “Black is Beautiful” and historical views on Black skin tone  in a broader sense in preparation for the 50th Anniversary  of the “Black is Beautiful” tagline we know today! Please share support and join us on January 28th 2012 in our call to action


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